Sunday, February 8, 2009

Home birth or Birthing Center?

Friday we got a letter from Medicaid, and our chances of qualifying are looking increasingly grim. Also, this week all potential new graduates were informed that there is a hiring freeze at BOTH CMC and Presbyterian. With all of this information it is looking less and less likely that we will have any kind of insurance coverage for the birth of this child. I realize that home births are not as safe as hospital births, and this would be my last option. Home births are also not particularly legal in NC. However, I did locate a birthing center in South Carolina that is 1 hour and 50 minutes away. They have a certified midwifes, and all necessary medications and skills needed to make labor and delivery fairly safe. They are also 3 minutes from a hospital. I know that 3 minutes is a lot of time when it comes to an emergency situation. However, I think that the odds are in my favor. Keely could have been born at a birthing center, and she would have been fine. This is also a good compromise between very-cheap-unsafe-illegal-home birth, and uber-safe-family-impoverishing hospital birth. Sigh.


  1. Charis,
    I'm so glad that you are able to stay positive especially after finding out that there is little financial help. I'm praying that God will enable you to keep it that way and bless you through the miracles and people that love Him! I feel stressed and tired most of the days. I'm still not used to have two kids, no car and etc. Recently some ladies from the Bible study had come out and helped me around the house. I'm so thankful! God is taking care of us, we just have to trust!

  2. I can't believe that about the hiring freeze. Hopefully it will be over soon and you can get a job. We'll be praying for a good solution. A lot can happen between now and September. Marina is right, you are staying in remarkably positive spirits...
