Monday, January 19, 2009

Pregnancy Resource Center

I just wanted to take time to praise the Pregnancy Resource Center of Charlotte. I am beyond grateful to them. This center was started by a group of Christians that wanted to help women choose life by giving them access to prenatal care that would otherwise be unaffordable. For a long time I have heard people say that they are pro-life, but seen very little done to support and lift up the women that are dealing with an unplanned pregnancy. Everyone at the center was kind, compassionate, and understanding. I am in awe of what they do. They have doctors, nurses, counselors, and ultrasound technicians that give their time and services. Their actions do more to help unborn children than any protester outside a clinic. They made it possible for Bob and I to gain piece of mind without shelling out hundreds of dollars. The ultrasound technician let us have extra time to see the baby, and put my mind at ease. I am eternally grateful. I thank God for all of these men and women and their incredible witness to the Christian faith. When Bob and I are better off financially I plan to donate FREQUENTLY to them.
If anyone needs more information about them their phone number is: 704-372-5981
The web address is

1 comment:

  1. Charis,
    this is so wonderful and uplifting to us too to hear that you are able to have medical care and not worry about finances! Praise the Lord! We are very excited for you and your family! The webpage that they have is neat!
